This is a satire in that some elements are imaginary or mocking. It is a documentary in that many of the facts and names are true and proven. It is a feature film in that it entertains, amuses and educates at the same time. It is a fantasy in that some exaggerations or inventions are included.
Most of all it is different. Clear and crisp on a SuperScreen, it could have been a big budget Hollywood movie with a team of hundreds behind it. But it was made for nothing, with a few friends contributing, using the video facility on the iPhone, the Final Cut Pro facility on a laptop, a cheap drone given as a Christmas present by a loving parent and only Righteous Indignation composing the script.
Society should not condone and sanction laws, behaviour and actions which can lead to miscarriages of justice or even death.
Many thanks to James Batley, Paul Wiffen (and his drone), Charlotte Fortune (who is also in The Pink Marble Egg) and Sarah Horton.
Vile Pervert: Guilty is now available to watch or download FOR FREE (to watch full screen click on the little box in the timeline; to go back to smaller screen, click again). Click on the screen arrow to start the movie.
Watching live obviously fluctuates depending on your connection speed - if you get freezing problems you may find downloading and watching later works more smoothly. This is a High quality video and may take a some time to load up initially:
High Quality 1280x720 (1.1GB)
Or you can watch it on You Tube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_9fNfUTDvc
Or if you simply would like to download a copy to watch later: [ Download now ] (High Quality 1280x720 1100MB)